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#1 2010-08-06 21:34:47

From: Saint Louis, MO, USA
Registered: 2007-11-10
Posts: 1604

StarCraft 2 - Staff Applications

In an effort to better serve the RTS-League community, RTSL is proud to announce that we will soon be opening a StarCraft 2 clan league!  While there is still a lot of work left to be done behind the scenes, the community response has shown that there is still more than enough interest in team-based SC2 competition to support a fun and successful league.

No league, however, can be successful without a mature and dedicated team of staffers working to ensure that everything goes according to plan.  Here at RTSL, our staff members play a key role in ensuring the smooth operation of the divisions and leagues that they cover.

As a result, we are looking for qualified staff members to help run our StarCraft 2 Clan League.  If you are interested in applying for a staff position, follow this link and send me a PM with the following information:

  > Your Battle.net name
  > Your clan (if any)
  > Location / Time Zone (for example, I am USA / GMT-5)
  > Region (North America, Europe, South America, etc.)
  > An Email or IM where you can be reached.

Other than that, what you include in your application is up to you.  Primarily, we are looking for applicants with the following qualities:

  > Good communication skills (reading/writing in English)
  > Dedication to the community
  > Knowledge of the game*
  > Well-respected in the community (or at least not hated smile )

* You don't have to be an expert, by any means - but you need to know enough about the game to help us write a fair set of rules, and enforce them fairly if a dispute arises.

Applications are due by 20 GMT on Saturday, August 14, which is one week from today.  Ideally, we would like to find several qualified staff members from each region.  Good luck to everyone applying!

To submit your application, please send me a PM here on our official forums.

For more information about RTS-League and our history, please follow this link.



#2 2010-08-24 18:09:04

From: MI, USA
Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 124

Re: StarCraft 2 - Staff Applications

Damn, wish I didn't miss out on this.

GL to all those that did iapply.

If there are any problems, text or call me ASAP! Gratz~


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