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In our efforts to offer different players and their clans a place to compete in a fun and friendly manner, we are searching for new titles to enhance RTS League's portfolio of supported games. League of Legends is a vastly popular game seeming like a good choice, but do you think the same? Would you and your friends or clan participate? Would you help us organise it?
Recently we have registered voices asking for RTS League to add League of Legends amongst our Clan Leagues. And so here we are, gathering further feedback from you, players who know RTS League, players who know League of Legends, players who could be the potential competitors. We are looking for constructive feedback on the state of League of Legends amongst the community closest to us, the "Age of" community. So what do you think about this idea? Would you play?
At the same time we are curious if there would be a person with the appropriate knowledge of League of Legends and its community who would be able and willing to responsibly help us set up and run the potential League. We would need help in launching League of Legends to RTS League. Could that be you?
Post away, we are eagerly awaiting every comment!
ill like to help in this i play league of legends i support dis idea
Its a Great idea but League of Legends has multiple servers in concordance with regions and a player from one region can not play with other.
There are two options: create RTSL for each server or that the whole community is in a single server.
Thanks for the reactions guys.
For the start, we would probably launch Europe (maybe both regions, or is one somehow significantly better?) and NA, but at this moment that is just a guess The lags for playing at "foreign" servers do not seem like a bearable option
I like the idea... keep us informed ;-)