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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)

#1 2015-03-29 21:23:17

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!


Spring has arrived a week ago (here up north), Ragnarok tournament is entering its final stages, new season of Game of Thrones is almost here... So what's that thing that's still missing? Oh, yeah, that's it - RTS League's Age of Mythology: The Titans Clan League!

Previous winter season brought us some really uniquely fun Playoffs with tons of exciting games (make sure to check our YouTube and Twitch!) between the very top experts like Count, Spoeft, Player, with TheMista or Sensuy again joining us to show off their teamgame skills that are often hidden in favour of their 1v1 appearances. But, as you now well know, all of that was not enough in the face of the true embodiment of what RTS League stands for - quality team play and strategy preparation. And that embodiment bears the name of The Brazilian Legend, a clan that has claimed their first Golden Banner of the RTS League Champions.

Not many believed in their success, but they proved just about everybody wrong and resurrected what has been missing in the past several seasons, but not anymore - true commitment to team effort enabling an underdog to climb to the absolute top of the hierarchy of clans. Now it's up to those other clans to take back their previous spots and try to depose the reigning Champions. Can they manage? Can your clan manage?

If you believe so (and even if you don't and you "just" want to have some real teamgame fun with your friends), sign up for Season 24 of RTS League's Age of Mythology: The Titans Clan League and prove your mettle!

News for Season 24

Due to certain events in the past seasons and RTS League's continual evolvement together with its community, we have adopted several new guidelines that are aimed at enabling more clans to join the competition and, more importantly, at preventing abuse during participation and gameplay. As a nice side effect, some things will get easier for you, the clans and the Clan Operators. Here are the novelties in brief, please make sure to read the concrete rules mentioned as well.

1) Everybody is now required to play only on their Main Nickname. Everybody needs to know who they are playing against, and allowing players to use various nicks, even though they were properly registered on the Clan Roster and belonged to the person, was not really helping in this. Smurfing is no fun and needs to go. (See Rules 3.6, 3.8, 3.9)

Also, to support the clan spirit and the fact that we are a Clan League, not a team league, everybody is required to play under the tag of the clan they are representing. Football players from one club all wear the same jersey, too, right? (See Rule 3.2)

Most of you already naturally adhere to these common-sense guidelines, so not much should change for you, but you will now be better protected from other, not so sensible clans, as they will be required to rise to your level of sensibleness.

The nice side effect here is that the Player-List will get a lot easier for the Clan Operators - you need to register just 1 general nick per player and here you go, you don't even need to worry about missing underscore anymore smile

2) Since we already allow them on case-by-case basis and they provide us and you with more clans to compete with, we have instituted the term Guest Player. Under strict rules to maintain the overall clan atmosphere, small clans will be able to include Guest Players into their roster to become eligible for participation and increase the number of playing teams. However, Guest Players are understood as kind of a last measure to enabling participation, and are not in any way aimed at "mercenaring" your way to the Title, which is fully reflected in the guidelines. (See Rule 4)

If you're one of the clans that would fit into this category, make 100% sure to read the rules and adhere to them when signing up.

3) Because the skeleton patch is gaining traction, but still isn't quite ready for full adoption, we are introducing its basic, most important feature as a rule starting this season, to begin preparing you for the changes to come - Norse players don't have to worry about their Sisyphean labour on water anymore, as Bolting Ulfsarks is now forbidden during the first 2 minutes of game time. (See Rule 9.6)

Now back to the sign-ups!

To take part in Season 24 and have a chance at the fun (and the Banners smile ), your clan will need to fit a few conditions to ensure you would be a positive contribution to the League.

First you will need a Clan Operator - the guy/gal representing you in the competition, scheduling your matches with the opponents and communicating with League staffers on your behalf. This person should be reliable, responsible and available regularly, every day if at all possible. Proper and timely communication is the key here. You can, of course, have more than 1 Clan Operator to cover for each other smile

Then you must have at least 6 active players ready to participate - this is to ensure you are able to complete your matches regularly even if some of your heroes happen to be temporarily unavailable.

Further you need to be familiar with the League rules. Read them carefully, and pay attention to the novelties for Season 24 posted above as well.

Lastly, during seasons, we unfortunately also uncover foul play and need to take proper action, so here are the administrative decisions active for Season 24 you need to be aware of:

- Player "reDo" is banned for life for multiple serious cases of malicious smurfing. Any clan found to be actively using him in League games will be subject to severe penalties or immediate disqualification. Be sure to know who is playing for you.
- Clan AbsoLads is on probation for serious infraction on League rules in Season 23. Any serious transgression in Season 24 will lead to disqualification.

And when you've checked all these points and you're ready to join, then again make sure that your clan meets the criteria listed above and within the rules and simply post the following sign-up form. Returning clans need just to confirm the participation (and read the novelties and active admin decisions as well, of course).

Clan Tag:
Clan Name:
Clan Website:
Number of Members:
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:

Please sign up your clan only if you seriously want to take part in the League, do not sign up inactive clans or clans with too few players to actually meaningfully compete. Clans that drop out during the season will be excluded from the next one/s.

Sign-ups will be closed on Friday 10th April, Season 24 will start on the Monday 13th.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our AoT staff members or any other staffers.

Looking forward to having you in the League, and spread the word - the more clans, the more fun for everyone!

You can check the games played in RTS League at the RTS League's Replays Archive or in the dedicated forum at RTS-Sanctuary where you can also discuss them. Visit our YouTube channel for previously streamed League matches to enjoy the games with insightful commentary or see them through the eyes of players the likes of Spoeft, and be sure to follow our Twitch for regular live streaming of RTS League battles.

About us:
RTS League is the foremost and longest running "Age of" clan competition ever, with a history of hosting numerous other strategy games (like StarCraft II, Empire Earth, and Dawn of War) in the past. Fun and friendliness are the prominent aspects of RTS League, with the unquestionable prestige and fame the triumph brings to the top finishing clans following close behind.

Follow us: http://i.imgur.com/pIOguKF.png http://i.imgur.com/BrmV7gk.png http://i.imgur.com/IEBUCY1.png http://i.imgur.com/jhL7lal.png http://i.imgur.com/NuEaX5r.png http://i.imgur.com/u1Xv4Rp.png http://i.imgur.com/JuYIdyu.png

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#2 2015-03-31 05:02:33

AoT Clan Operator TBL
Registered: 2014-04-25
Posts: 41

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: [TBL_]
Clan Name: The Brazilian Legend
Clan Website: http://thebrazilianempire.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 23
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: Giovan giovannidotti1@gmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123534048
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: Giovan  giovannidotti1@gmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123534048
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes



#3 2015-04-01 01:53:17

Registered: 2015-03-30
Posts: 16

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag:[TAG_]
Clan Name:The Alliance Ghost
Clan Website:http://theallianceghost.voobly.com/
Number of Members:12+ at the moment many are joining
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:Malefyk vitorbuenosilva@gmail.com  http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123541739
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: Malefyk vitorbuenosilva@gmail.com  http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123541739
l__THOR__l  henry_guriri@hotmail.com  http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123655223
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes

Last edited by Malefyk (2015-04-09 00:52:26)



#4 2015-04-01 03:54:51

Registered: 2013-08-05
Posts: 57

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag:[AoD_]
Clan Name: Angels of Death
Clan Website: aod-clan.foro-activo.com
Number of Members: 10+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: Th3D3vil redmale0624@gmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123999571
Clan leader Nickname and Contact: AoD_Lars   marcos_lafe90@hotmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123480597
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes

Last edited by RoXxoR (2015-04-01 03:55:47)



#5 2015-04-01 10:41:27

Registered: 2014-10-14
Posts: 249

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: [Lad_]
Clan Name: Absolads
Clan Website: http://absolads.com/
Number of Members: 57
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: IamCal - cal_white@hotmail.co.uk
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: IamCal - cal_white@hotmail.co.uk
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes.



#6 2015-04-01 16:41:57

Senior League Staff + AoT Clan Operator OB
Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 1227

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

For any new clans reading through this, feel free to message Blackadder or me, here or at Voobly, whichever is more convenient for you. We'd be more than happy to help answer any questions you might have in regards to the league.

Last edited by ChronoJJ (2015-04-01 18:33:12)



#7 2015-04-01 17:01:22

Registered: 2015-04-01
Posts: 28

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag:[C0F}
Clan Name: Centaurians Of Frost
Clan Website:www.centauriansoffrost.com
Number of Members: 50+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:BeaSt-bradleylester99@yahoo.com
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:BeaSt,Jay-bradleylester99@yahoo.com
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:yes

Last edited by CoF_BeaSt (2015-04-01 17:04:47)



#8 2015-04-02 06:36:48

Registered: 2013-02-04
Posts: 298

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

JSS signs up with everything the same smile




#9 2015-04-02 18:58:27

From: Brasil - Goiania
Registered: 2015-04-02
Posts: 110

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: [ GVT_]
Clan Name: Guardioes vs Titans
Clan Website: http://dek.clan.su/
Number of Members: 51
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: alfheim dek_alfheim@hotmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123994673
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: alfheim  dek_alfheim@hotmail.com http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123994673
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes

Last edited by GVT_alfheim (2015-04-02 19:13:54)



#10 2015-04-03 05:24:16

Registered: 2015-04-03
Posts: 21

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: [SUD_]
Clan Name: SUD Clan
Clan Website: http://imperiosud.net16.net/
Number of Members: 70
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [SUD_]Sirca_    -  iampintors@gmail.com
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:    [SUD_]_SkyFire - dani-soccer@hotmail.com
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes.

Last edited by SUD_Sirca (2015-04-03 05:41:26)



#11 2015-04-03 19:50:14

AoT Clan Operator DoD
From: Belgium
Registered: 2009-05-07
Posts: 958

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

DoD A and B confirm.




#12 2015-04-05 10:46:04

Registered: 2015-04-05
Posts: 36

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Rev clan will be back
Clan Tag:[ReV_]
Clan Name:AoT Revolution
Clan Website:http://aot-revolution.enjin.com/
Number of Members:50+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:[ReV_]_THELEGEND_ aymanlahrifa@hotmail.com
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:[ReV_]Diddy_Dan1
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:yes

Last edited by _TheLegenD_ (2015-04-05 10:47:23)



#13 2015-04-06 02:35:39

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 141

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: AoL
Clan Name: albis onis lobias
Clan Website: aolclan.myfreeforum.org
Number of Members: 20+ including inactives.
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: AoL_Iron_maiden   contact: rts-s forum, voobly forum, reddit forum, or ir0n(underscore underscore)maiden(underscore)(at)hotmail(dot)com  big_smile
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: same
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Ya



#14 2015-04-06 05:13:28

Registered: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: [Legi0N]
Clan Website: http://legi0n.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 10+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [Legi0N] DarkGh0st http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123728437
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: [Legi0N] SoyMuchoNaaB http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123899854 and [Legi0N] DarkGh0st http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123728437
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes

Last edited by NaaB (2015-04-06 14:26:55)



#15 2015-04-08 15:21:56

AoT Clan Operator DoD
From: Belgium
Registered: 2009-05-07
Posts: 958

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Can you make DoD_Titou an operator too plz smile




#16 2015-04-08 16:53:14

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

DoD_J4Jc3 wrote:

Can you make DoD_Titou an operator too plz smile

Sure, for both teams?

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#17 2015-04-08 16:54:48

AoT Clan Operator DoD
From: Belgium
Registered: 2009-05-07
Posts: 958

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Black Adder wrote:

DoD_J4Jc3 wrote:

Can you make DoD_Titou an operator too plz smile

Sure, for both teams?





#18 2015-04-08 18:40:36

Registered: 2014-10-14
Posts: 249

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

We confirm a B team too.
Clan Operator: Kuvar - almos28@gmail.com
Thanks smile



#19 2015-04-08 21:50:59

AoT Clan Operator ArF
Registered: 2009-05-22
Posts: 104

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!


I register a team

Clan Tag: ArF
Clan Name: ArF
Clan Website: incoming
Number of Members: 7
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: laior/mail4poub@gmail.com
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: laior
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

I will complete registration later, I don't have time now.

Thanks and gl hf all, except j4 !



#20 2015-04-09 14:23:38

Registered: 2014-05-25
Posts: 88

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Hey I'd like to register PK for this season of RTSL

Clan Tag: PK
Clan Name: Player Killers
Clan Website: https://pkclan.net/
Number of Members: 30+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [PK]Chicks [PK]_Clown99 [PK]7upSL [PK]WizSanji
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: [PK]Chicks
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Looking forward to playing some fun games with other clans smile
gl and hf to all .



#21 2015-04-10 06:46:39

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 292

Re: Sign Up for AoT Clan League Season 24!

Clan Tag: LNC
Clan Name: Late Night Club
Clan Website: http://latenightclube.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 4-5 Players + LNC_BabyJJ
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: LNC_TheCrippler
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: LNC_TheCrippler
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes




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