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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)

#1 2015-09-01 18:37:53

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!


With holidays over and the searing summer heats (sorry southern hemisphere smile ) drawing to a close, it's time to start gaming in earnest again, and what better game to play than Age of Mythology?

Last season of RTS League's Age of Mythology: The Titans Clan League proved to be the best in recent history with its great scheduling and overall clan approach to competing, resulting in unusually high Fair Play Ratings, and we are definitely hoping Season 25 will follow in its footsteps - after all, that's why we took the summer pause to avoid any possible scheduling conflicts for you, the clans smile

The quality of play was very high, RTSL being the prestigious clan competition in the AoT community it is, and 2k for jesus hoisted the Golden Banner for the first time in their history (combined with their MpT past) after beating Deities of Death in the Grand Finals by the slightest of margins 3:2. We've also seen many expert-laden clans returning to fight again, like AoL, ArF or LNC, and also some newcomers that left strong impressions after their premier season, like GVT and Legi0N.

And with the new season ready to open its doors, everyone is undoubtedly asking the same question - who is going to be the best clan in the whole of community when Autumn is over? Will it be JSS again? Or will it be the new superstrong clan Assassins of Frost featuring TheMista departed from JSS and also Magic or Titou with simtom? And then we have the ever-dominant clan in DoD, and loads of others that can make the difference, like newly merged Brazilian Team - simply a lot of serious contestants for the Title that we need to follow very closely to learn who is the best of the best.

Follow us: http://i.imgur.com/pIOguKF.png http://i.imgur.com/BrmV7gk.png http://i.imgur.com/IEBUCY1.png http://i.imgur.com/u1Xv4Rp.png http://i.imgur.com/jhL7lal.png http://i.imgur.com/NuEaX5r.png http://i.imgur.com/JuYIdyu.png

If you're ready to give a shot to the Golden Banner race or just have some top quality clan war fun, getting a chance to play against the top skillers in the game, gather your clan mates and sign up for Season 25 of the traditional Age of Mythology Clan League with history as long as of the game itself - live your chance for glory!

News for Season 25

1) The most important change coming with the new season is the official adoption of the Voobly Balance Patch - all RTS League games will now be played on the latest tested version of the patch (currently 1.02). Since last season majority of the games were already played using the patch, plus with the reception of the patch by the community being as great as it is, this is just a continuation of the trend, and we're aiming to make use of the well-prepared balance changes to improve the competition overall.

Voobly Balance Patch is the perfect answer to issues brought up during last season like triple Bolt, as the underlying basis of similar strategies is the inherent balancing problem of the game, which is exactly what the patch is addressing. We're hoping more balanced game will result in new gameplay scenarios being devised by players and, in effect, more fun to be had by participating in RTS League.

2) After long deliberation and taking into account current circumstances of the game and community and also opinions of you, the participating clans, we have decided to run a test season concerning B-teams - in Season 25, we will temporarily disable Rule 7.B.2 and enable multiple teams of one clan to enter Playoffs. The aim is to see how will the situation evolve with all teams being able to compete as the rest of the clans, looking to gauge if clans are capable of handling the difficulties, and how will this impact the season's progress and clans' enjoyment of it overall. When the season is over, we will evaluate how it all went and decide on our further actions.

Thank you to all the clans for your diverse input on this matter, it helped in our deciding.

3) To make competing more fun, we will be introducing new maps into the allowed map pool - besides the Blue Lagoon that is already in Voobly Balance Patch 1.02, we'll be also adding the rest of the map pack created by RebelsRising and iBubblei, that means Frozen Wastes, Nile Delta, Painted Desert and Sacred Pond. All these maps will be added into the Official RTS League Mapset mod at Voobly and will be freely selectable as home maps.

4) Due to certain issues with god selection order last season, we're also introducing a rule clearly saying what to do in cases of similar disputes. Since this problem is exceedingly rare, clans are usually sensible and able to come to a consensus, we're not really expecting you to need this too often, but in case you do, here it is:

If clans cannot agree on player and god selection (eg. because of continuous counter-civing), clan choosing the map selects its players and gods first, and then the other team. Further changes are not possible for either side. In case of a decider in a "Best of" series, home clan chooses first.

This should end any potential "debates."

All these changes will be added into the rules in the upcoming days.

Now back to the sign-ups!

To take part in Season 25 and have a chance at the fun (and the Banners smile ), your clan will need to fit a few conditions to ensure you would be a positive contribution to the League.

First you will need a Clan Operator - the guy/gal representing you in the competition, scheduling your matches with the opponents and communicating with League staffers on your behalf. This person should be reliable, responsible and available regularly, every day if at all possible. Proper and timely communication is the key here. You can, of course, have more than 1 Clan Operator to cover for each other smile

Then you must have at least 6 active players ready to participate - this is to ensure you are able to complete your matches regularly even if some of your heroes happen to be temporarily unavailable.

Further you need to be familiar with the League rules. Read them carefully, and pay attention to the novelties for Season 25 posted above as well.

Lastly, during seasons, we unfortunately also uncover foul play and need to take proper action, so here are the administrative decisions active for Season 25 you need to be aware of:

- Player "reDo" is banned for life for multiple serious cases of malicious smurfing. Any clan found to be actively using him in League games will be subject to severe penalties or immediate disqualification. Be sure to know who is playing for you.

And when you've checked all these points and you're ready to join, then again make sure that your clan meets the criteria listed above and within the rules and simply post the following sign-up form. Returning clans need just to confirm the participation (and read the novelties and active admin decisions as well, of course).

Clan Tag:
Clan Name:
Clan Website:
Number of Members:
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:

B(C, etc.)-teams need to supply their complete roster as well to allow us to gauge their strength so that we know where to seed them.

Please sign up your clan only if you seriously want to take part in the League, do not sign up inactive clans or clans with too few players to actually meaningfully compete. Clans that drop out during the season will be excluded from the next one/s.

Sign-ups will be closed on Friday 11th September, Season 25 will start during the following week.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our AoT staff members or any other staffers.

Looking forward to having you in the League, and spread the word - the more clans, the more fun for everyone!

You can check the games played in RTS League at the RTS League's Replays Archive or in the dedicated forum at RTS-Sanctuary where you can also discuss them. Visit our YouTube channel for previously streamed League matches to enjoy the games with insightful commentary or see them through the eyes of players the likes of Spoeft, and be sure to follow our Twitch for regular live streaming of RTS League battles.

About us:
RTS League is the foremost and longest running "Age of" clan competition ever, with a history of hosting numerous other strategy games (like StarCraft II, Empire Earth, and Dawn of War) in the past. Fun and friendliness are the prominent aspects of RTS League, with the unquestionable prestige and fame the triumph brings to the top finishing clans following close behind.

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#2 2015-09-01 19:46:26

AoT Clan Operator F2
Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 770

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

tsm is in.

do we need a new member list since we werent in last season?



#3 2015-09-01 19:53:02

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

TSM_André wrote:

tsm is in.

do we need a new member list since we werent in last season?

Just update your Player-list here.

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#4 2015-09-01 20:34:41

Registered: 2014-10-14
Posts: 249

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Lad A and Lad B sign up. Kuvar being the Clan Operator for the B Team.



#5 2015-09-02 00:32:23

Registered: 2015-09-02
Posts: 1

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: AoF
Clan Name: Assassins of Frost
Clan Website: http://assassinsoffrost.enjin.com/
Number of Members: 34
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: _Tupac
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: We have 3 Leaders, so i will put all 3 just incase
[Skype] keen_nastrodamus [Voobly] http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124101485
[Skype] x___incognito___x [Voobly] http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124190750
[Skype] ryan-reed69 [Voobly] http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124080505

Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Last edited by Nastrodamus (2015-09-02 00:33:58)



#6 2015-09-03 13:17:41

AoT Clan Operator ONU
Registered: 2010-01-11
Posts: 42

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: ONU

Clan Name: Organization of Natural Uppers

Clan Website: http://onu.voobly.com/

Number of Members: 30 +++

Clan Operator Nickname and Contact:

[ONU]YoObi_BR  - http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123462503
[ONU]GuIsAo_    - http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124314942

Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:

[ONU]YoObi_BR -  http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123462503
[ONU]Thor -  http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/929

Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: YES !!!

We are going to subscrible 2 teams ONU A and ONU B




#7 2015-09-03 15:13:59

AoT Clan Operator TBL
Registered: 2014-04-25
Posts: 41

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: BrT

Clan Name: Brazilian Team

Clan Website: http://www.clanfenix.com/forum/

Voobly : http://rts-brasil.voobly.com/

Number of Members: 60+

Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: Giovan
http://www.rts-sanctuary.com/index.php? … ser=110418

Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: Giovan

http://www.rts-sanctuary.com/index.php? … ser=110418

Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: 1

We are going to subscrible 2 teams BrT A and BrT B

Last edited by Giovan (2015-09-03 15:15:11)



#8 2015-09-05 15:20:43

AoT Clan Operator F2
Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 770

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

i noticed there was an update for rtsl mod and tried to check the maps but these 4 are still not there: Frozen Wastes, Nile Delta, Painted Desert and Sacred Pond



#9 2015-09-06 11:45:00

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

TSM_André wrote:

i noticed there was an update for rtsl mod and tried to check the maps but these 4 are still not there: Frozen Wastes, Nile Delta, Painted Desert and Sacred Pond

You need to have the mod selected in the room settings for now (I tried switching into Local Mod which for some reason doesn't work (we're looking into that)). The maps are there now, just Nile Delta will be added just before start due to new version being worked upon (don't want to confuse players with more versions than necessary). You should be having all the maps in there, the mod updates automatically.

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#10 2015-09-06 15:38:49

AoT Clan Operator F2
Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 770

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

yeah now the maps show thanks



#11 2015-09-06 18:47:09

AoT Clan Operator DoD
From: Belgium
Registered: 2009-05-07
Posts: 958

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: DoD A
Clan Name: Deities of Death
Clan Website: http://www.thedodclan.com/
Number of Members: 90
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [DoD]J4Jc3 & [DoD]KiLLerB0y_
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: [DoD]J4Jc3
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Clan Tag: DoD B
Clan Name: Deities of Death
Clan Website: http://www.thedodclan.com/
Number of Members: 90
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [DoD]Fox__
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: [DoD]J4Jc3
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Clan Tag: DoD C
Clan Name: Deities of Death
Clan Website: http://www.thedodclan.com/
Number of Members: 90
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: [DoD]IAmBLiTz_
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: [DoD]J4Jc3
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes




#12 2015-09-07 08:38:06

Registered: 2013-06-30
Posts: 49

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: JSS
Clan Name: 2k for jesus
Number of Members: 7
Clan Operators: Swedish Chef & The Count von Count
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Last edited by TheCount (2015-09-07 08:38:24)



#13 2015-09-07 18:02:50

Registered: 2015-09-07
Posts: 82

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: FROST
Clan Name: FROST
Clan Motto: gg no re
Number of Members: 9
Voobly : http://f-r-o-s-t.voobly.com/

Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: SwOOp or Swissboy

Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: YES



#14 2015-09-08 03:04:46

Registered: 2015-04-01
Posts: 28

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: ReGen
Clan Name: ReGeneration
Number of Members:6
Site: regeneration.voobly.com
Clan Operator: King_BeaSt http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124302037
Clan Leader:King_BeaSt



#15 2015-09-08 05:28:05

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 141

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: AoL
Clan Name: Albis onis Lobias
Clan Website: aolclan.myfreeforum.org
Number of Members: including infrequently active - 20+
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: AoL_Iron_maiden
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: http://www.rts-sanctuary.com/Age-Of-Myt … user=69515    or     http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123286448
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yep



#16 2015-09-08 15:02:38

AoT Clan Operator UCA
Registered: 2015-09-08
Posts: 55

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: UCA
Clan Name: TheUnCrapAbles
Clan Website: http://theuncrapables.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 9
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: TompX, http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124139543 skype: TompX
Jimmymiller, http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124125972
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: TompX, http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/124139543 skype: TompX
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes



#17 2015-09-08 19:37:58

Registered: 2014-03-09
Posts: 30

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Player Killers
4 playing, 2-4 others might be willing, i'll add them if anything
kye, 7upSL - ts.pkclan.net or voobly.com
Chicks - ts.pkclan.net



#18 2015-09-09 19:08:35

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

I would like to remind all the clans with B(C)-teams that you need to supply rosters of your teams together with the application so that we can evaluate the teams and seed them accordingly. Clans that already have an entry for the teams in the system and have already adjusted their Player-Lists to reflect their current players need to just let us know they did, so that we know their rosters are what the teams are supposed to be.

So Lad, ONU, BrT, DoD, please supply the info as soon as possible.

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#19 2015-09-09 20:20:42

AoT Clan Operator Lad|B
Registered: 2015-04-14
Posts: 23

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

We adjusted our Player-List.




#20 2015-09-10 13:38:39

AoT Clan Operator ArF
Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 140

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: ArF_
Clan Name: Alliance des Résistants Francophones
Clan Website: http://arfclan.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 10-15
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: ArF_BzH_ http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123526631
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: ArF_BzH_ http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123526631
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Could you give me the clan operator tag so that I can adjust the roster? Thank you.

In case, I would add ArF_laior, ArF_prijatno, Xtinxion and ArF_Brennos.

Last edited by ArF_BzH_ (2015-09-14 12:33:43)



#21 2015-09-10 16:02:46

From: Brasil - Goiania
Registered: 2015-04-02
Posts: 110

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

BA u can make me clan operator Brt | B  too. 
Contact : http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123996964



#22 2015-09-10 19:59:21

AoT Clan Operator ONU
Registered: 2015-09-03
Posts: 7

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: ONU B
Clan Name: Organization of Natural Uppers
Clan Website: http: http://onu.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 30+++
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: ONU_AsteriX_BR http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123784119
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: ONU_Thor
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Last edited by ONU_AsteriX_BR (2015-09-10 20:06:59)



#23 2015-09-10 22:57:37

Registered: 2015-04-03
Posts: 21

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: SUD_
Clan Name:SUD Clan
Clan Website: http://www.imperiosud.com.mx/index.php/foro/forum.php
Number of Members: 100+

Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: _Sirca    http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123650216
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact:    _SkyFire http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123540420

Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes



#24 2015-09-13 19:06:02

Registered: 2015-09-12
Posts: 6

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Clan Tag: F I N
Clan Name: Fighting Immortal Newbies
Clan Website: http://f-i-n.voobly.com/
Number of Members: 11
Clan Operator Nickname and Contact: Mizope http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123295436
Clan Leader Nickname and Contact: Mizope http://www.voobly.com/profile/view/123295436
Clan Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes I have and I agree



#25 2015-09-14 12:08:18

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7492

Re: Sign-Ups for AoT Clan League Season 25 Open!

Thanks for all the sign-ups, we're working on preparing the divisions smile

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



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