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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
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Schedule your match here.
Allocated time: 27th August - 2nd September
I will check with team, answer tommorow. But I think sunday 10 -16 gmt is better? Are U avaible on sunday?
I will check with team
Not many have responded. I guess we have to try 18 gmt today. but cant confirm
Hey, Gaocho A didnt show upp for our match today https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ … ow_upp.PNG
If you answer fast, we an coordinate something for later today at around 24 GMT.
Let me know. I’ll check this forum frequently today.
Otherwise we can schedule something for the week, if admins approve.
Every game has to play each week, U didnt respond, but U told U could play 18 gmt today. U didnt respond, neither show upp. Its to late to play macthes 24 GMT. I was uncertain if VLNS had 2 or 3 playes avaible for today, thats why I said I cant confirm today. U ignored my last messages, Bad behaviour, wasting our time.
If there is a extra week we can play our match. Think 1 macth each week is more than enough for VLNS.
Scheduling works more or less like this:
Step 1. We can play at x time.
Step 2. Sure, x time confirmed
Step 3. Confirmed.
See, step 2 and 3 aren´t there. Furthermore, step 2 was on you.
If admins allow, we can play during the week or next weekend.
Leauge rule 8.5.
Clan operator have to check forum atleast every second day, and make the discussion towards a match. Something U didnt and should result in a pennalty miss -1 point. I dont care. However I hope u check forums more freqently.
Have to check with team if sunday 20 gmt is possible? If U can 18 -19 gmt is bigger chance that we can play. 20 gmt is a bit late. Will confirm when i know.
19.30 gmt better for me atleast, Thanks:). If U ig from other match, we wait ofcourse:)
Still waiting on answer from clan. I respond soon ass possible.
We confirm 19.30 Gmt, cya then.
Gaucho, please upload the games since the uploader is working now, thanks