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hi surus, our times are: in the week 2gmt
and sunday about 21-22gmt
Hello friend. It seems perfect for us. Let me ask my team which fit us well, but it will probably be at sunday 02:00 GMT.
Can we do Sunday 01:30 GMT?
bro is saturday i dont think we have player for that day, or your ask for Sunday nite?
We can try sunday same hour (GMT). I was referring to friday night in our local time (sunday 01:30 GMT). Or tell me please what time fits you better
Oh I understand, you put Sunday but you wanted to say Saturday.
So if I understood you correctly, you're asked about Friday night, which is Saturday at 1:30gmt
If so, I confirm you Saturday 1: 30gmt
sorry edit this:
can be monday 1:30gmt to play sunday 8:30pm México?
Last edited by el_Sancho (2018-09-27 22:26:57)
We confirm saturday 01:30 GMT too. Gl hf
Sorry my bad, I read the first part as the main, the bottom was the actual edited. Let me check if we can play on on monday (gmt)
sorry bro i dont check before, on monday about 1-2gmt
Ok guys, I needed to check with my team first, and then Sancho and I chated in private. We decided to play on monday at 02:00 GMT. So good luck guys.