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  •  » AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

#1 2012-07-28 22:02:25

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7480

AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

The King is dead. Long live the King! After 5 seasons of total dominance, DoD were unseated and TSM now holds the crown for the champions of RTSL's Age of Mythology - The Titans Clan League. Are we on the brink of another long-lasting reign or is there a clan ready to take fate into their own hands? Sign up and fight for the glory!

Have you played in RTS League years back? Do you remember Fair Play Awards and how cool it was to be the clan voted as the most friendly and fun to play with? It is back! Since Season 18, RTS League is reintroducing the Fair Play Award to support and acknowledge the clan quality that most defines the League itself - RTSL is first and foremost the place to compete in a fun and friendly manner!

As in the past, the Fair Play Award winner will be determined by the voting of the clan operators in the group stage - on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best rating and 1 the worst, you will be evaluating your opponents' behaviour during the match, and at the end of the season, the most fair clan of all the participants will receive the honors along with the top 3 contenders. More information will follow at the start of Season 18.


And now the signing up smile

If your clan is interested in competing with the best of the best and have fun in a League with more than 10 years of tradition, post the following signup form and make sure your clan meets the criteria listed within. Returning clans need just to confirm the participation.

Clan Tag:
Clan Name:
Clan Website:
Number of Members:
Operator Name and MSN:
Leader Name and MSN:
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:

You can find the rules here. Read them carefully.

Please sign up your clan only if you seriously want to take part in the League, do not sign up inactive clans or clans with too few players to actually meaningfully compete. Clans that drop out during the season will be excluded from the next one/s.

Sign-ups will be closed on Friday 10th August, Season 18 will start on Monday 13th August.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our AoT staff members or any other staffers.

Looking forward to having you in the League!

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#2 2012-07-29 00:04:15

AoT Clan Operator F2
Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 770

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

TSM confirms



#3 2012-07-29 13:06:54

From: Paris,France;Baabda,Lebanon
Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 126

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: Sky_
Clan Name: Sky
Clan Website: http://skyclan.forumzen.com/
Number of Members: around 20
Operator Name and MSN: Vrangorn  bavo_r@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: darkrizen(me) anakinfayad@hotmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes

Clan Tag: Sky_
Clan Name: Sky-Mysteria The Alliance
Clan Website: http://skyclan.forumzen.com/
Number of Members:around 20
Operator Name and MSN: Mysteria_Yoda aurelien2caels@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: darkrizen(me) anakinfayad@hotmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes



#4 2012-07-29 17:17:07

AoT Clan Operator DoD|B, League Streamer
Registered: 2010-12-29
Posts: 245

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

DoD confirms participation of the A team, unsure about B team.



#5 2012-07-29 18:07:54

Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 21

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

mG confirms team A, team B is still undecided



#6 2012-07-29 21:44:17

Registered: 2011-11-22
Posts: 70

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: [_AciD_]
Clan Name: AciD
Clan Website: http://acid-1.voobly.com/
Number of Members: About 11 active, some more inactives that could come back.
Operator Name and MSN: weasel_, skype = s.macaulay.19
Leader Name and MSN: Pandora_Paw, skype = Ida.Nysether
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

PS: No one uses msn anymore, so I provided skype addresses



#7 2012-07-30 03:59:48

Registered: 2010-06-17
Posts: 81

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: PridE
Clan Name: PridE Doutrinadores
Clan Website: www.prideclan.xp3.biz
Number of Members: 10+
Operator Name and MSN: Thunder@wickedman_@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: Thunder
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Sure

Last edited by ONU_Thunder (2012-07-30 04:00:33)



#8 2012-07-31 02:14:51

AoT Clan Operator GDM+ONU
Registered: 2010-11-03
Posts: 120

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

GDM confirms team A, and this time team B too ^^



#9 2012-07-31 15:24:13

RTSL Alumnus
Registered: 2009-04-28
Posts: 668

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

GDM_Faraon wrote:

GDM confirms team A, and this time team B too ^^

You have to fill in the form for team B then wink. You can't just confirm a new team.



#10 2012-08-02 11:49:02

From: Paris,France;Baabda,Lebanon
Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 126

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

When and where will I have to give member list?



#11 2012-08-02 15:56:14

AoT Clan Operator F2
Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 770

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

You will have an operator account and inside you can add/remove members in your list. Later you post the games you win with this account ( not the same account u use on forum )



#12 2012-08-02 17:06:47

From: Paris,France;Baabda,Lebanon
Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 126

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Ah ok ty
the leader and the operator team can go there?



#13 2012-08-03 02:33:59

Registered: 2012-07-31
Posts: 21

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: [ tHx ]
Clan Name: Trankos Hermandad Xantus
Clan Website: http://thx-clan.voobly.com/
Number of Members: About 10 active
Operator Name and MSN: Minato, chosen___@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: LosMarsVolta, amonroymarin@gmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes

Last edited by tHx_MinaTo (2012-08-03 18:22:25)



#14 2012-08-07 01:19:27

Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 21

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Ok mG A/B comfirm smile



#15 2012-08-08 03:33:54

Registered: 2012-07-31
Posts: 1

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: [vK_]
Clan Name: Virtual Killers
Clan Website Foro: http://virtualkillers.forumclan.com/
Clan Website: http://clanvk.vacau.com/
Number of Members: 34
Operator Name and MSN: cgimon@comcast.net                ([vK_]Odyzeus)
Leader Name and MSN: juaneduardo_mak@hotmail.com  ([vK_]JuaNubee)
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:  Yes

Last edited by vKJuAn (2012-08-10 18:28:13)



#16 2012-08-09 05:36:31

AoT Clan Operator ArF
Registered: 2009-05-22
Posts: 104

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Clan Tag: ArF
Clan Name: Alliance des Résistants Francophones
Clan Website Foro: http://www.arf.goodluckwith.us/
Clan Website: http://www.arf.goodluckwith.us/
Number of Members: 15, 5/6 active.
Operator Name and MSN: ArF_Eversor (msn? in 2012? smile )
Leader Name and MSN: ArF_Eversor
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:  Yes

Since Eversor can't login, I sign up for us, he's captain anyway !



#17 2012-08-10 03:21:02

From: Saint Louis, MO, USA
Registered: 2007-11-10
Posts: 1604

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

laior wrote:

Operator Name and MSN: ArF_Eversor (msn? in 2012? smile )

Yeah, we should probably update that. wink  What do the kids use these days, anyway?



#18 2012-08-10 17:29:25

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 218

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

text messages, facebook, twitter, whatsApp, skype, blackberry messenger and e-mails in the cell-phones smile




#19 2012-08-12 06:28:15

AoT Clan Operator GDM+ONU
Registered: 2010-11-03
Posts: 120

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Jijzucht wrote:

GDM_Faraon wrote:

GDM confirms team A, and this time team B too ^^

You have to fill in the form for team B then wink. You can't just confirm a new team.

Clan Tag: GDM
Clan Name: GDM
Clan Website: www.gdm-clan.activoforo.com
Number of Members: 15+
Operator Name and MSN: calebor04@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: calebor04
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Sure

the operator of team A is IQ(Zoccio).



#20 2012-08-12 20:16:07

AoT Clan Operator GDM+ONU
Registered: 2011-04-02
Posts: 275

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

GDM_Faraon wrote:

Jijzucht wrote:

GDM_Faraon wrote:

GDM confirms team A, and this time team B too ^^

You have to fill in the form for team B then wink. You can't just confirm a new team.

Clan Tag: GDM
Clan Name: GDM
Clan Website: www.gdm-clan.activoforo.com
Number of Members: 15+
Operator Name and MSN: calebor04@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: calebor04
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Sure

the operator of team A is IQ(Zoccio).

I am now in tHx. gl fara



#21 2012-08-13 00:18:56

AoT Clan Operator GDM+ONU
Registered: 2010-11-03
Posts: 120

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

GDM_IQ wrote:

GDM_Faraon wrote:

Jijzucht wrote:

You have to fill in the form for team B then wink. You can't just confirm a new team.

Clan Tag: GDM
Clan Name: GDM
Clan Website: www.gdm-clan.activoforo.com
Number of Members: 15+
Operator Name and MSN: calebor04@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: calebor04
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Sure

the operator of team A is IQ(Zoccio).

I am now in tHx. gl fara

jaja pinche gay. 

ok guys sorry , we have news.   

GDM ONLY 1 TEAM  ,  i am the Operator ,

thx.   smile



#22 2012-08-13 06:49:40

Registered: 2010-12-24
Posts: 66

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

@ Laior

U could probably use my msn adress to send me messages. It's montypython_5@hotmail.com (didnt change).

I don't know how but I managed to login^^



#23 2012-08-14 01:46:34

Registered: 2012-07-31
Posts: 21

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

So??..... When start this??

Last edited by tHx_MinaTo (2012-08-14 01:46:43)



#24 2012-08-14 20:44:51

Black Adder
League Administrator
From: Praha, Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-11-15
Posts: 7480

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

tHx_MinaTo wrote:

So??..... When start this??

We are finalising the division set-up and are closing in smile

[nex]Black__Adder (@BlackAdderPlays)

"When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself." – Peter O'Toole
"The true measure of a hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that those he saves... will never know." - The Outer Limits

Follow RTSL on Facebook



#25 2012-08-15 22:35:04

Registered: 2012-07-31
Posts: 21

Re: AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

Black Adder wrote:

tHx_MinaTo wrote:

So??..... When start this??

We are finalising the division set-up and are closing in smile


Thnks smile


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  •  » AoT Season 18 Sign-ups Open!

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