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I was looking at the TAGS of J4 and I was wondering who won the season 16 or season 9 and 10 and 11 so I had this idea:
"would be nice to see some where in this site the list of ALL seasons with their clan winners, like a HALL of FAME or something like that"
because maybe the few traditionals clans like DoD y mG know what happened in the firsts seasons but new clans does not know anything and I think some of history gonna help to understand how great has been the RTS-League.
Clan Tag: ZaP_
Clan Name: Zona Aterrorizante Pro
Clan Website:
Number of Members: 30
Operator Name and MSN: ZaP_Ra
Leader Name and MSN: ZaP_Loki
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: YES
gl hf all
Last edited by ZaP_Loki (2013-06-30 12:53:40)
vK_Odyzeus wrote:
I was looking at the TAGS of J4 and I was wondering who won the season 16 or season 9 and 10 and 11 so I had this idea:
"would be nice to see some where in this site the list of ALL seasons with their clan winners, like a HALL of FAME or something like that"
because maybe the few traditionals clans like DoD y mG know what happened in the firsts seasons but new clans does not know anything and I think some of history gonna help to understand how great has been the RTS-League.
16 - DoD
17 - TSM
18 - Can't remember, was inactive
19 - LNC
Good idea tho.
vK_Odyzeus wrote:
I was looking at the TAGS of J4 and I was wondering who won the season 16 or season 9 and 10 and 11 so I had this idea:
"would be nice to see some where in this site the list of ALL seasons with their clan winners, like a HALL of FAME or something like that"
because maybe the few traditionals clans like DoD y mG know what happened in the firsts seasons but new clans does not know anything and I think some of history gonna help to understand how great has been the RTS-League.
There is a Hall of Fame in place already (top menu)
At the moment it covers only some of the newer seasons for AoT (starting Season 14) - we have many of the older results and banners (unfortunately not all of them could be located), too, but those are not implemented yet.
Hey Staff,
Will scheduling be starting this week? Thanks
Last edited by LNC_TheCrippler (2013-07-01 10:13:25)
LNC_TheCrippler wrote:
Hey Staff,
Will scheduling be starting this week? Thanks
It usually takes us a few days to agree on the divisions and other stuff, but we expect to start this week.
Just to let you know, we are sorting out one last thing with one of the clans and we are good to go