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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)
RTS League is ready to host yet another season of Age of Mythology - The Titans Clan League - this time, things will be a bit different.
To attract more clans for you to compete with and to ensure the whole Age of Mythology community can participate, we have decided to adjust the League settings so that Voobly clans can take part in the competition and not be handicapped by being unable to go online on ESO.
The only viable solution was to make Voobly the default client and make ESO an agree-upon option (Rule 7.2) - if you still wish to play on ESO and your opponents are all right with that, go ahead - nothing changes for you. When you meet a clan that can play only on Voobly, you have to accommodate and follow suit.
Since Voobly is generally less troublesome than ESO itself, especially in the player connections department, this measure should, besides allowing more clans to play, actually improve the game experience you all get in the League.
Because of the change, a few minor adjustments had to be made to the rules, so please check them carefully this time. The most important is that the clan operators must list in the roster both the ESO names and Voobly names (in case they differ) (Rule 3.4).
And now to the signing up itself
If your clan is interested in competing with the best of the best, post the following signup form and make sure your clan meets the criteria listed within. Returning clans need just to confirm the participation.
Clan Tag:
Clan Name:
Clan Website:
Number of Members:
Operator Name and MSN:
Leader Name and MSN:
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:
You can find the rules here. Read them carefully.
Please sign up your clan only if you seriously want to take part in the League, do not sign up inactive clans or clans with too few players to actually meaningfully compete. Clans that drop out during the season will be excluded from the next one/s.
Signups will be closed on Friday 25th November, Season 17 will start on Monday 28th November.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our AoT staff members (Jijzucht and Oedy) or any other staffers.
Looking forward to having you in the League!
We confirm both teams! gl hf, ty for hosting this tournament
mG and mG|B confirm:)
BTW thank you for changing the rules
Last edited by Ervd (2011-11-13 17:54:16)
ONU Clan is back and confirms participation!
RSA confirm participation
Hey, NiM Clan Confirm : D ... GL & HF All ! cya!..
Hey, ArF clan confirm ! thanks and gl hf all .
GDM clan confirm participation
Last edited by GDM_Antivalk (2011-11-22 01:50:20)
As discussed on agesanc i'd like to enter AciD.
Clan Tag: AciD
Clan Name: AciD
Clan Website: Discontinued
Number of Members: 3-4 official AciD members + Mirez
Operator Name and MSN: Stuart, aomstu@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: Me I think? Stuart/AciD_Weasel
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: NiM
Clan Name: New Imperium Maya
Clan Website: http://clannim.foroactivo.net/
Number of Members: 22
Operator Name and MSN: NiM_Olafo cgimon@comcast.net
Leader Name and MSN: NiM_Drako buriniano@gmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Last edited by NiM_Olafo (2011-11-23 16:54:48)
Clan Tag:TSM_
Clan Name:Tsunami
Clan Website:http://www.tsunamiclan.com/forum/
Number of Members:12
Operator Name and MSN: TSM_Player ( André Pereira ) & andre_silva6@hotmail ; or through rts or our forum PM.
Leader Name and MSN:TSM_Xeninha & tsmxeninha@hotmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: TwIsTeD_
Clan Name: TwIsTeD_
Clan Website:TwIsTeD-Clan.Net
Number of Members: 28 (6 are participating)
Operator Name and MSN: TwIsTeD_Civ_Boss (message me on TwIsTeD Site or Age Sanc.)
Leader Name and MSN: TwIsTeD_RedBeard (message him on TwIsTeD Site or Age Sanc.)
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Sidenote: Since TwIsTeD is too long of a clan tag on voobly our names will be
[hawt]TwIsTeD_Boss (ect)
Hi there can i enter a 3rd DoD team? C team aka best team
Clan Tag:DoD_
Clan Name:Deities of Death
Clan Website:www.theDoDclan.com
Number of Members:7 so far
Operator Name and MSN: DoD_HaGGiS, stuie92e@hotmail.co.uk
Leader Name and MSN:DoD_J4Jc3 j4jc3@hotmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:yes
Last edited by DoD_HaGGiS (2011-11-25 22:10:43)
We wish to add a team B
Clan Tag: NiM|A
Clan Name: New Imperium Maya
Clan Website: http://clannim.foroactivo.net/
Number of Members: 22
Operator Name and MSN: NiM_Xhio axeloc69@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: NiM_Drako buriniano@gmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: NiM|B
Clan Name: New Imperium Maya
Clan Website: http://clannim.foroactivo.net/
Number of Members: 22
Operator Name and MSN: NiM_Olafo cgimon@comcast.net
Leader Name and MSN: NiM_Drako buriniano@gmail.com
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Last edited by NiM_Olafo (2011-11-26 04:35:45)
Clan Tag: OFF
Clan Name: OFF Clan
Clan Website: www.offclan.com.br
Number of Members: 37
Operator Name and MSN: OFF_PutFire / thalles_rn@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: OFF_IELN, OFF_Upper and OFF_IceMan
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
I'm sorry for haven't coming here before, but we have some problems with the communication with all members for having sure if they would like to join in RTS-League. And we didn't know if this would work, cause I know we are out of the time for Signup for this season.
So, I would like to ask this chance to join even that we are late and make part of this with you all!
I'm sorry again and I really hope that you, Admns of this site, let us participate.
Last edited by PutFire (2011-11-27 15:42:25)
AciD_weasel wrote:
As discussed on agesanc i'd like to enter AciD.
Clan Tag: AciD
Clan Name: AciD
Clan Website: Discontinued
Number of Members: 3-4 official AciD members + Mirez
Operator Name and MSN: Stuart, aomstu@hotmail.com
Leader Name and MSN: Me I think? Stuart/AciD_Weasel
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
their new website is acid-1.voobly.com:)
I cant find the place where i have to add/remove players from my list like i used to do, so i let admins know that Jordy and Golgoth will be playing for ArF with Super_Starr and Spic_Golgoth accounts
We are almost ready to start the new season, just one last important issue remains to be resolved
Thanks for your patience!
PutFire wrote:
I'm sorry for haven't coming here before, but we have some problems with the communication with all members for having sure if they would like to join in RTS-League. And we didn't know if this would work, cause I know we are out of the time for Signup for this season.
So, I would like to ask this chance to join even that we are late and make part of this with you all!
I'm sorry again and I really hope that you, Admns of this site, let us participate.
That is all right, we will count you in
Adhafang wrote:
I cant find the place where i have to add/remove players from my list like i used to do, so i let admins know that Jordy and Golgoth will be playing for ArF with Super_Starr and Spic_Golgoth accounts
I have sent you a PM.
Nice AciD are still in ^^ thanks btw ervd. AciD now exceed the minimum amount of players
Look forward to seeing the matchups!
I see you have tyr and krijgt in team:)
you will be strong