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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)
With a long history of supporting the "Age of" series, RTS-League is glad to announce the inaugural season for Age of Empires: Online. Drawing from a crowd of both old and new, we are looking forward to a competitive and fun season.
If your clan is interested in fighting for the chance to make it to the top, post the following signup form in reply to this thread and make sure you meet the criteria listed within.
Clan Tag:
Clan Name:
Clan Website:
Number of Members:
Operator Name and MSN:
Leader Name and MSN:
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them:
You can find the rules here. Read them carefully.
Please sign up only if your clan seriously wants to take part in the league, do not sign up inactive clans or clans with too few players to actually meaningfully compete. Clans that drop out during the season will be excluded from the next season/s.
Signups will be closed on Friday 20th April, season 1 will start on Monday 23rd April.
If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.
Best of luck, and have fun!
Clan Tag: sG
Clan Name: Synergy Gaming
Clan Website: n/a
Number of Members: 5
Operator Name and MSN: Zutazuta (sG Zuta),
Leader Name and MSN: Zutazuta (sG Zuta),
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: N3O
Clan Name: N3O clan
Clan Website:
Number of Members: 4+
Operator Name and MSN: gbusch (ge buschmann), -
Leader Name and MSN: Sporting_Lisbon (Doomzor_FTW), -
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: yes
Clan Tag: cG
Clan Name: clan GHOSt
Clan Website:
Number of Members: 4+
Operator Name and MSN: cG R0cCz ,
Leader Name and MSN: cG R0cCz ,
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: nomnom yup
Clan Tag: Small players: Big plays
Clan Name: sPBp
Clan Website: n/a but you can find most of us hanging around @
Number of Members: 5
Operator Name and MSN: Alexander @
Leader Name and MSN: Alexander @
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes i have. BUT, im not sure how to register a operator on the site. So if some nice admin would send me a priv msg of how to do so i can fix that little detail
Operator details will be sent out by an admin prior to the beginning of the league.
Clan Tag: sKs
Clan Name: Skill, Knowledge, Speed
Clan Website: n/a
Number of Members: 5
Operator Name and MSN: GiveUAnxiety
Leader Name and MSN: GiveUAnxiety
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: MaHG
Clan Name: Mista and his gang (this guy is fucking crazy).
Clan Website: n/a
Number of Members: 4
Operator Name and MSN: Berndt,
Leader Name and MSN: Berndt,
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes.
Last edited by Event (2012-04-19 16:23:46)
Clan Tag: TPM
Clan Name: Tu Puta Madre
Clan Website: n/a
Number of members: 4
Operator Name and MSN: Jose,
Leader Name and MSN: Jose, (we have no lider but if the figure is needed, then me)
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Yes
Clan Tag: BAG
Clan Name: Bling Acquisition Guild
Clan Website: -
Number of Members: 4+
Operator/Leader Name and MSN: Apostate Seraph,
Operator has read the rules and agrees to them: Unfortunately, yes.
Last edited by Apostate Seraph (2012-04-20 23:31:01)
any chance in requiring clans to use at least three different players in one round? The same 2 players playing every game wouldn't be much of a clan tournament.
That's a good idea, Chrono. I know we (staff) discussed similar ideas at one point, but I don't see it in the current rules. If there is agreement then perhaps we will add it before the season starts.