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#1 2015-08-22 21:39:17

Senior League Staff + AoT Clan Operator OB
Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 1227

RTSL AoT Season 24 - Banners and Wrapup


The 24th AoT RTSL Season concluded almost two months ago – and now, after a summer break, the next season is just around the corner. However, before we can move on to the next season, we've got a few banners and congratulations to pass out. This past season was very enjoyable, and in fact, was one of the best-scheduled seasons I've ever seen. Outside of a few early season drop-outs, the season went very smoothly with very few extended rounds and disputes. Even the League Cup, which in the past has been plagued by clan indifference, went very well.

For those who missed last season's result, the grand champion was JSS, who defeated DoD|A 3-2 in the  championship. 3rd place went to two clans, LNC and Lad|A, who were never quite able to complete the 3rd place match (although two games were played). Over in the League Cup, DoD|B dominated its competition and defeated GVT 3-0 in the finals. One last thing to cover are the fair-play ratings, a rather arbitrary and unscientific system (but we still love it) in which clan operators rate their opposing clans' general sportsmanship – as follows:

JSS 10.00 (out of 10)
DoD B 9.75
Legi0N 9.75
Lad 9.00
TBL 8.50
DoD 8.00
Lad B 8.00
SUD 8.00
TAG 8.00
PK 7.67
ReV 7.50
AoD 7.33
AoL 7.20
ArF 7.10
LNC 7.00
GVT 6.60

Overall, the scores are pretty high, which likely reflects the ease in which the season as a whole was completed.

For those interested in watching last season's recorded games, you can find them on the RTSL website Please note that downloading the recorded games will, at times, be a bit frustrating, due to the fact that some of the matches were played on the standard ES 1.03 patch, while other matches were played on the Voobly 1.01 patch. For assistance in determining the patch version, you can check most of the game logs on the Voobly RTSL Ladder, although the recorded games can no longer be downloaded from there. Also, many of the RTSL games can be downloaded here at RTS Sanctuary, in the RTSL replay forum.

For livestreams, many of the games were streamed on the RTS League Twitch channel, or, many of the recorded games were uploaded to RTS League's YouTube channel.

Signups for the next season are just around the corner – we are anticipating the next season beginning in early to mid September. We've also been discussing a few issues that were brought up last season - we'll have updates on that when the signups are posted shortly (a few days or go).

The Banners (congratulations to JSS!):







Thanks to all of the clans who participated - RTS League wouldn't be anything without any clans, so we (the staff) certainly appreciate every clan and every player who put in an effort to make the season successful.

Follow us: http://i.imgur.com/BrmV7gk.png http://i.imgur.com/u1Xv4Rp.png http://i.imgur.com/jhL7lal.png http://i.imgur.com/IEBUCY1.png http://i.imgur.com/NuEaX5r.png http://i.imgur.com/JuYIdyu.png



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