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spp are still in the tournament?
They don't seem worthy of the RTS League
Yes, we managed to get them back into the game and active after the initial issues and they're doing fine since then (with certain unfortunate circumstances), so please do schedule with them - no need to assume they won't be active, as Round 6 they had a bye, and on Round 5 they were supposed to face EoK who are heading for a kick due to inactivity in a matter of a couple of days - and SPP did try to schedule with them.
They were having rather spotless record in the past seasons with timely scheduling and such, so they definitely are worthy of participating, but this season they faced some serious difficulties Hopefully that's all gone now and the last match of the season will go fine
oh mate, sure thanks for the reply
I see and understand Black Adder.
I just find that, on 2016, where everyone has a phone (specially if you own a computer to play this game) and there is wifi in so many places, at least the clan operator should be able to answer or say something to admin that they can't play a certain week or that they are trying but its hard or whatever...not answering topics leave other clans on "stand-by" and "saving the date" mode , which sux...
Yeah well that is true, agreed on that.