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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)
Just wanted to let you know that the rec uploader is currently not working, we hope to have it fixed asap. Please in the meantime keep your recorded games, and don't forget to play on the RTSL Ladder in the Tournament Lobby to have a back-up - sorry for the inconvenience
Good news everyone, rec uploading is working now!
There are still a few little mites in the system to be fixed (you might notice some), but the most important part - filling in the info and uploading the rec - is working, so you can now put the games up there to update your score and let everyone see your heroic efforts also on their own eyes!
Those of you who are with us for a bit already know the few quirks to take into account, but for all the new Clan Operators, please be aware of the following when uploading the games:
1) The uploader is not automatic, you have to fill things in manually - please try to do it diligently, but don't panic if you make a mistake, we can fix some of it, just let us know
2) If the rec is bigger than 2MB, you have to put it into a .zip file - you can just upload them all in zip if you wish. Voobly offers them in .zip. It needs to be .zip, not .7z, .rar or anything else.
3) The name file shouldn't be excessively long (so try short :d), and better avoid special characters (like ', [, etc.).
If you don't follow these guidelines, you will suffer the consequences - of having to fill all the info in again :d Sorry for the bit of a hassle, but we're an old competition, with all it takes :d
We'll try to keep up with you uploading the games and correcting the scores afterwards for you, let us know if we miss something for a longer period of time.
Gl&hf then, thanks for your patience, and looking forward to your recs and sharing them with other players!
P.S.: RoR, we already uploaded the first match for you as a showing it works, you don't have to upload your games with SURU then
greats. maybe need new post for read all
:d Still hopeful Clan Operators read admin posts and posts in admin topics :d
Thanks guys, I'll try it now