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Do you want a new forum account? Send us an e-mail with your desired nick and we'll get it done! We recommend using a secondary, yet still actively used e-mail address - we're an old web and forum after all, so to be on the safe side just in case :-)
(If the link doesn't work for you, right-click on it and save the e-mail address for use in your e-mail client)
The battle is not over yet and everything is open, one of you will advance into the Playoffs - let's see who.
Settings are Best of 3, home maps each, decider on Random. And we're playing on AoMT Hybrid!
Check out the Rules for all the info.
Probably Saturday or Sunday? What timezone are most of you guys, we are a bit all over which makes things a bit silly, but probably something like 1830 GMT saturday would be ok, but I'd have to check for 100%.
Saturday 18:30 ok for us, see you there.
Ok, that might work but it's a 6 am for our australia/new zealanders. Would a bit later at 1930 GMT or 2000 GMT work?
I dont think so, i already confirmed with my mates 18:30 , but i will tell my team that if they can wait 15 mins for your players.
ok, we'll probably not be there until 1845 or 1900 - but we'll have a team.
I talked with guys and confirmed that we most likely won't have 3 until 1900 gmt; so plan on 1900, if we try earlier we'll probably have to wait until 1900 anyway.
1900 GMT Saturday
Last edited by ChronoJJ (2019-03-22 20:57:31)